Instagram Love

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sushi Zanmai

Yesterday we already date today went out for shopping together , so morning i went out breakfast with him first , but then got some argue with them , at last they also choose going out together .
We went to Sushi Zanmai for our lunch :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011


今天是外婆的大日子  首先要要祝我最親愛的外婆身體健康  長命百歲  生日快樂  也要活得一天比一天的開心  要記得我們是最愛你的  你永遠永遠都要在我們身邊  因為我們是最愛你的  我愛你 , 外婆 ♥

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rakuzen Japanese Restaurant

 Today dinner at Rakuzen Japanese Restaurant , G Tower . I think G Tower is something like Hotel or Office building but ground floor got many restaurant . Especially night time got few restaurant many people went there for dinner . Today we went here because someone was very happy and he wanted to celebrate himself and treat me makan , Hahahahaha. Luckly he pass his exam already !! Congratulation to him :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rendezvous Steak Garden

我 很 累
最近每一天都在讀Undang  很快我已經讀了兩個星期  短短的兩個星期就看明天成績如何
早也拼  晚也拼  真的好累 好累  其實你們知道在兩個星期內一直讀同樣的東西會覺得很煩嗎
當我看了又在看  我自己覺得自己已經會了  但是每當一要考試的時候卻出錯很多問題  到底是怎麼一回事..

晚上我和他吃晚餐  縱慾 縱慾 能放下一下子的時間  
每次我們都毫無方向要吃什麼  不是這個 就是那個

當你和他在一起玩了你卻忘記一切一切  我快樂  因為你的存在
我感覺很累  今晚需要開夜車  明早需要早起床

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Malaysia VS Chelsea Tour 2011

 今天心情蠻興奮的  因為晚上是我第一次去看那麼大型的踢球比賽  
也就是馬來西亞 VS CHELSEA  昨晚他已經買了入場票  還以為入場票很便宜  但是一拿到的時候原來和普通歌星演唱會價錢沒什麼分別  本來以為可以穿著球衣去出席  但是他卻說沒有買到  那就算啦  還是穿著自己的衣服去  本來真的很興奮  可是很塞車和一些情況之下弄得沒完心情  
去到現在真的看到很多很多人  洋人也很多  人潮湧湧  只能說這是萬人球賽

Friday, July 15, 2011

Michelangelo's Restaurant & Bar

Today went out Cheong K with sister at Time Square Neway . Suddenly she message me and told me she already book room for Cheong K , then i woke up and prepare everything straight away to meet her up .

 After finish Cheong K we just walk around Time Square because outside was heavy raining and we can't go anywhere .

Night time dinner with mummy , mummy ask us want to eat The Ship or try new thing at Pavillion , At last i choose Pavillion , because everytime we also ate The Ship and we didn't try some new thing . Yeah , Finally we choose Michelangelo's Restaurant & Bar . Actually today dinner with mummy is because mummy said she want help me to celebrated my birthday and she got some surprise for me :*

Thanks Mummy present me :)

 When i get this card , i really happy . Because when i was small mummy also got sent me card when i birthday , but long long time i didn't get this kind of card . I love it so much .

 Can you guy's see how Mummy design the card ? Izzit very cute ? :p

Opsss , My first Coach . Thanks you !! :)