Instagram Love

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Morganfield's @ Pavillion

今天我們約好了幫姐姐慶祝生日  但是不是什麼隆重的慶祝  只是普通吃個晚餐
我和姐姐先去  然後才去見我的二姐  因為她剛放個過來找我們一起吃晚餐
我們三人先逛逛  但是大家的肚子有點餓了
我們也提議先坐下喝杯茶  做了半小時多  然後出來逛逛想想等下要吃些什麼
本來打算吃日本料理  媽媽說每次吃日本料理
她打算帶我們去吃一些我們沒吃過的 “ 排骨 ”


四人 合照


這就是我們所謂的  排骨 啦
價錢 Rm149.90  3-4人份

媽媽切給我們  哈哈
但是切還好擺 pose


姐姐提早祝你 生日快樂
身體健康  學業猛進  你是我們的最愛   愛你

Monday, July 22, 2013

Silver Spoon @ Publika

This is my second celebrated my birthday with boyfie friends and their girlfriend together. We celebrated at Silver Spoon @ Publika. Actually yesterday boyfie bring me here celebrated my birthday but not the same place, we pass by around here got many restaurant bar look nice, so boyfie decided today came here to celebrated again. 

Me and boyfie

Opss.. But I like this picture

Girl's group

Thanks for bought me a cake :)

Boy's group







Thanks for everything :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

「勘八」 Kampachi @ Pavilion

Friday is a relax day. Last week my mum and my sister date me for lunch, this is my belated lunch with them. I think long time didn't meet them and finally we meet up again. Every year I will have a lunch or dinner with my family when my birthday, because this year my birthday at weekdays so abit hard to arrange my time to meet my parent, and my birthday that day is celebrated with my boyfie and his friends.

I meet my sister at Time Square before we meet our mum at Pavillion, I think got few month i didn't go Time Square already zzz  But feel like want to shop around there Hahaha

We having our lunch at Kampachi Pavillion, this is the first time i went this restaurant, look high class.
Suddenly saw my friend working at there, so he help us take order.. discount discount

This is my friend free for us - Dessert

And very surprise he bought me a cake, he still remember my birthday. Thanks alots :)

Last, I need to thanks my mummy treat us lunch and we have a great chat since long time no meet. Of cause my sister too, because she finish her class rush here to accompany me. Love you all.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Korean Hanwoori Celebrated 20th Birthday

Last few day my bff already date me today for dinner, I think is a normal dinner but they said go eat Korean food  Hahaha! We went this restaurant name Korean Hanwoori, near ampang point there (Korean village)

Second round we went yum cha at Station One
Surprise! They baked a cake for me - blueberry cake
Thanks alot!!

A group photo with them, loves them~

This is what I get, my birthday present from them, Atomy face care.